Election Day Positions
Every Election cycle, we are dependent upon qualified individuals to serve as election officials. An individual's party affiliation, address, and repute are all factors when being considered as a precinct official. ​
NC Election Laws & Rules have specific requirements and restrictions when appointing precinct officials. We encourage all who are interested to apply.
All Precinct Officials will be required to:
attend 2 hour in person training class (2 classes for some positions)
complete online training videos
have transportation to and from the polling place on Election Day
work from 6:00am until at least 8:30pm
lift up to 30 pounds
assist with setting up the precinct the night before
Chief Judges
One Chief Judge serves in each precinct on Election Day. They are the managers of the precinct. They are responsible for
visiting the precinct to meet with site personnel before the election or primary
coordinating with their precinct Judges and Assistants
ensuring officials know what their duties are and how to preform them
maintaining order inside and outside of the precinct
identifying deficiencies at the precinct and notify the Board of Elections
transporting supplies to and from the precinct before and on election day
One Republican Judge and one Democrat Judge will serve in each precinct on Election Day. They are assigned and trained to work at either the Ballot station or the Exit station in a precinct. All precinct officials assist with the setup of the precinct the night before the election. In addition to their station duties, Judges will assist the Chief Judge with
verifying supplies
opening and closing of the polls
ruling on voter challenges in the precinct on election day
witnessing election documentation
A minimum of one Republican and one Democrat will serve as an assistant in each precinct. They are assigned and trained to work at the Voter Check-in or Help station in a precinct.
Voter Check-in Assistants must have a technical knowledge at a level that is able to:
set up a laptop and printer
handle consistent data entry for voter look up and printing forms/reports
change ink cartridges
Help Assistants do NOT need to have computer skills but will need:
basic technical knowledge to assist voters with the accessible voting equipment
to do a considerable amount of walking to assist curbside voters
Student Assistants
A minimum of one student will serve at each precinct. Only students with good academic standing and permission from their principal and parent may participate. Student must be:
a U.S. Citizen
will be at least 17 years old by Election Day
reside in Stanly County
Students are trained and assigned to work as the curbside assistant in a precinct on Election Day. Student assistants must be able to:
assist with setting up the voting enclosure the night before
stand/walk for a majority of the day (14 hours)
Work the entire shift from 6:00am until 8:00pm without leaving
Appointed by election as needed to handle technical issues. Rovers will be assigned to a specific group of precincts that they will assist during setup the night before and then again on Election Day. They will be trained on how to handle issues with voting equipment including the ballot counter, accessible voting machines, laptops, barcode scanners, cell phones, and other items as required. Rovers must meet the following requirements:
have a valid driver’s license and a vehicle large enough to transport voting equipment if needed
able to lift of up to 50 pounds
On Election Day, Rovers will be station in the Board of Elections office until there is a need in one of their precincts. While in the office they may be assigned to answering phones, or directing the public. Once the precincts have closed, rovers will assist with Election night check-in until all precincts have reported.
Emergency Workers
These positions are typically filled by unaffiliated voters. They work on an as needed basis.
When there is a vacancy, emergency workers may be assigned to a position prior to or during Election Day. They are required to attend training classes for 2 different positions. They are placed only in a position in which they have been trained to fill.
Early Voting Positions
All Early Voting officials are considered temporary employees of the Board of Elections office. This prohibits any Early Voting worker from political activity such as campaigning or publicly endorsing a candidate or referendum.
Any Official working during the Early voting period will be required to:
attend 2 hour training sessions (in addition to any assigned training for other positions)
watch online training videos
have transportation to and from the voting site or facility
must be available the entire early voting period or longer for MAT members
work multiple days and lift up to 30 pounds if necessary
assist with setup if working at a voting site
Early voting locations are approved before each election. Dependent upon the sites operating hours and estimated voter turn out, the number of officials assigned to a site may vary and 2 shifts may be offered. Many election day officials also serve as early voting officials. The duties of early voting are similar to those on Election Day. All early voting officials are required to attend a training session (in addition to any election day training). Officials are assigned to work at a specific station during the entire early voting period. Early Voting positions consist of the following:
Chief Judge
manage voting site
inventory supplies and ballots needed
monitor no campaigning buffer zone
document issues/complaints (computer, voter, campaigner, etc.)
manage voter line in smaller turn out elections
cleans voting booths
Information/Line control (only in high turnout elections)
will manage the voter line and traffic to the check-in stations
provide basic voting information if requested
available to assist voters when requested
extended periods of standing may be required
Voter Check-in ​
setting up a laptop and printer​
data entry of voter information
print voting forms for voters
Curbside Assistants
assisting voters outside the voting place, who are unable to enter
being prepared to work in all weather conditions
endure a large amount of time walking and standing
setting up a laptop and printer​
data entry of voter information
print voting forms for voters
Help Station​
account for and secure provisional ballots
issue Provisional ballots to voters ​
assist voters who need to use the use the accessible ballot marking device
assist curbside voters (will require extensive walking/standing)
Ballot Station​
verify voting forms are complete​
account for and secure ballots
issue ballots to voters
monitors the ballot tabulator​
assists voters with tabulator error messages
cleans secrecy folders and ensures voters don't leave with a ballot
Emergency Assistant
attends training for 2 different positions​
works on an as needed basis
MAT Team Members
A Multipartisan Assistance Team, or “MAT,” is a group that has been appointed by the local County Board of Elections to provide assistance with mail-in absentee voting to voters in assisted living facilities or nursing homes.
At the request of the voter, the MAT members will travel to the facility to assist the voter in:
registering to vote
requesting a ballot
completing the ballot
Their job is to assist them with completing forms, physically marking the ballot, and completing witnessing information for the absentee ballot. Having two team members assist the voter (one of each party) ensures that the voter receives impartial, professional assistance, the voting selections are the voters, and they remain confidential.