Voter Registration
Customers with NCDMV can now register to vote online or make updates to their information.
You must be 18 years of age or be 18 years of age by the General Election of the current year. Future voters may also preregister at the age of 16.
You must be a United States Citizen.
You must have resided in the precinct or other election district in Stanly County, North Carolina for thirty days prior to the upcoming election.
You have not been convicted of a felony, or if so, you have completed your sentence (including any probation, post-release supervision, or parole)
The following information must be provided on the voter registration application:
Citizenship and age verification
Full name
Physical address (where you live, ex: 123 Main Street)
Mailing address
Identification information (Date of birth and NC Driver's License or last 4 digits of Social Security Number)
Signature of applicant (A voter's Power of Attorney CANNOT sign the voters application)
The deadline to register is 25 days before Election Day. Applications may be submitted by mail, fax, email, or in person (for military and overseas voter exceptions, see Military/Overseas). Applications submitted by mail must be postmarked by the deadline. The original application of any faxed or emailed registration form must be received at the Board of Elections office 20 days before the election. Applicants will receive a Voter Registration Card stating their precinct, polling place assignment, and jurisdictions.
North Carolina provides permanent voter registration. However, voters may be removed from the voter registration records for the following reasons: a felony conviction, moving from the county, death, by request from the voter, or if the voter has not voted in any election within eight consecutive years and has had no contact with the Board of Elections during that time.
You may register to vote or change your voter registration at the following locations:
Stanly County Board of Elections Office, 1000 N First Street, Suite 16, Albemarle 28001
Stanly County High Schools
Employment Security Commission
Stanly County Libraries
Department of Social Services
Military Recruitment Offices
Health Department (WIC office)
NCDMV online or in-person